Dr. Shariat, Afshin

Afshin Shariat Mohaymany




Program Area:

Transportation Engineering and Planning


(+98-21) 77240098 Ex: 7143


(+98-21) 73223143


shariat AT iust.ac.ir

Address: Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 1684613114, Iran



Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

Link to Google Scholar


  • 1990 – 1999, Researcher Road & Railway Department Tehran Metro Technical Office Tehran, Iran

  • 2007-2009, Deputy of Education , Civil Engineering School, Iran University of Science and Technology

  • 2013-2019, Cultural Vice-Chancellor of Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran

  • 2009 – Present, Deputy of Research Center of Road Safety, Iran University of Science and Technology Tehran, Iran

  • 2011 – Present, Deputy of Traffic research Laboratory, Iran University of Science and Technology Tehran, Iran

  • 2021 – Present, Deputy of Transportation Data Analysis Center, Iran University of Science and Technology Tehran, Iran

Research Projects :

  • The revision and updating of the comprehensive transport and traffic plan of Shiraz city

  • The design, support and maintenance of the Travel patterns identification and analysis system at the national level using mobile phone data

  • The analysis and evaluation of the challenges affecting the launch of shared taxis and the implementation strategy of these services

  • Detailed plans of the integrated public transportation of Shiraz city – Transportation Deputy of Shiraz Municipality

  • Identification and analysis of travel patterns in Tehran by using mobile data

  • Analysis and presentation of transportation Data reports

  • Micro Simulation Study for Tehran

  • Detailed studies of integrated public transportation in Shiraz

  • Updating comprehensive transportation studies of the country; Preparation of travel demand database

  • Development of comprehensive models for heavy vehicle driver's behavior;

  • Comprehensive freight movement studies in Mashhad;

  • Improvement studies to enhance safety and traffic conditions in Mahshahr special zone;

  • Calibration of traffic simulation software based on driver's behavior in Tehran;

  • Design of Tehran emergency transportation network for an earthquake;

  • Traffic Impact Assessment of Sadr highway capacity increasement and Niyayesh-Sadr tunnel construction

  • Pedestrian modeling and simulation in Tehran;

  • Freeway management study for Shahran-Damavand, Hemmat, and Azadegan corridors;

  • Traffic impact studies of Sayyad tunnel;

  • Taxi regulation studies in Tehran;

  • IRAN Road network analysis and planning studies based on 2015 survey data;

  • Safety and Traffic Improvements of Special Zones in Mahshahr, Iran

  • Feasibility study of implementation disaster management for Iran road Transportation network

  • Providing and implementation of Emergency facility location model for road network

  • Simulation of critical intersections in Karaj City;

Publications And Technical Reports

Journal Papers:

  • Mehdizadeh,M. ,Shariat-Mohaymany, A. , Who are less likely to vote for a low emission charging zone? Attitudes and adoption of hybrid and electric vehicles (2021),Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 146, 29-43

  • Rajabi-Bahaabadi,M., Shariat-Mohaymany, A., Babaei,M., Vigo, D., Reliable vehicle routing problem in stochastic networks with correlated travel times (2021), Operational Research 21 (1), 299-330

  • Mahmoudi, SM., Bagheri, M., Khademi, N., Shariat Mohaymany, A., A Method to Design Facility Layout in Passenger Terminals using Optimization and Simulation (2020),International Journal of Railway Research 7 (1), 51-59

  • Shariat-Mohaymany, A., Nikoo, N.,Designing Large-Scale Disaster Response Routes Network in Mitigating Earthquake Risk Using a Multi-Objective Stochastic Approach (2020),KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 24 (10), 3050-3063

  • Shariat-Mohaymany,A., Shari,M., (2020) ,Evaluating the impact of new congestion charging scheme using smartphone-based data: a spatial change detection study, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 47 (9), 1105-1115

  • Mehdizadeh ,M., Shariat-Mohaymany,A., Who are more likely to break the rule of congestion charging? Evidence from an active scheme with no referendum voting (2020), Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 135, 63-79

  • Khalili,FB., Antunes ,AP., Shariat-Mohaymany,A., Evaluating interregional freight accessibility conditions through the combination of centrality and reliability measures(2020), Journal of Transport Geography 83, 102665

  • Shariat-Mohaymany,A., Shari,M.,Evaluating the impact of new congestion charging scheme using smartphone-based data: a spatial change detection study (2020), Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 47 (9), 1105-1115

  • Baghbani, A., Shariat Mohaymany, A., Rahmani, S., Sayad,A.,Mehdizadeh, M.,Predictors of Walking Duration Time and Walking Mode: Duration and Logit Models On Tour-Based Data (2019), Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering 11 (2), 283-300

  • Mahmoudi,SM., Bagheri,M., Khademi,N., Shariat Mohaymany,A., Method for Facility Planning and Layout Design of a Railway Station using Optimization and Simulation (2019),International Journal of Railway Research 6 (2), 250-250

  • Babaei,M., Shariat-Mohaymany,A., Nikoo,N., Ghaffari,AR.,A multi-objective emergency network design problem to carry out disaster relief operations in developing countries (2019), Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management 3

  • Shariat Mohaymany, A., Ganjkhanloo,A., Bahaabadi,Mr., Sayyad,A., Analysis of Travel Time Distribution for Varying Length of Time Interval (2019) ,AUT Journal of Civil Engineering

  • Rajabi-Bahaabadi, M., Shariat-Mohaymany,A., Yang , S. (2019). Travel Time Reliability Measures Accommodating Scheduling Preferences of Travelers. Transportation Research Record 2673 (4), 708-721

  • Rajabi-Bahaabadi, M., Shariat-Mohaymany, A., Babaei, M., & Vigo, D. (2019). A hybrid algorithm for the reliable vehicle routing problem in stochastic road networks with dependent travel times. Operational Research

  • Fard, M. R., & Mohaymany, A. S. (2019). A copula-based estimation of distribution algorithm for calibration of microscopic traffic models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 98, 449-470.

  • Mehdizadeh, M., Shariat-Mohaymany, A., & Nordfjaern, T. (2019). Driver behaviour and crash involvement among professional taxi and truck drivers: Light passenger cars versus heavy goods vehicles. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 62, 86-98.

  • Mehdizadeh, M., Shariat-Mohaymany, A., & Nordfjaern, T. (2018). Accident involvement among Iranian lorry drivers: Direct and indirect effects of background variables and aberrant driving behaviour. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 58, 39-55.

  • Vahedi, J., Shariat Mohaymany, A., Tabibi, Z., & Mehdizadeh, M. (2018). Aberrant driving behaviour, risk involvement, and their related factors among taxi drivers. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(8), 1626.

  • Nikoo, N., Babaei, M., & Mohaymany, A. S. (2018). Emergency transportation network design problem: Identification and evaluation of disaster response routes. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 27, 7-20.

  • Irannezhad, E., Prato, C. G., Hickman, M., & Mohaymany, A. S. (2017). Copula-Based Joint Discrete–Continuous Model of Road Vehicle Type and Shipment Size. Transportation Research Record, 2610(1), 87-96.

  • Mehdizadeh, M., Nordfjaern, T., Mamdoohi, A. R., & Mohaymany, A. S. (2017). The role of parental risk judgements, transport safety attitudes, transport priorities and accident experiences on pupils' walking to school. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 102, 60-71.

  • Shariat-Mohaymany, A., & Shahri, M. (2017). Crash prediction modeling using a spatial semi-local model: a case study of Mashhad, Iran. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 10(4), 565-584.

  • Fard, M. R., Mohaymany, A. S., & Shahri, M. (2017). A new methodology for vehicle trajectory reconstruction based on wavelet analysis. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 74, 150-167.

  • Babaei, M., Rajabi-Bahaabadi, M., & Shariat-Mohaymany, A. (2016). Estimation of travel time reliability in large-scale networks. Transportation Letters, 8(4), 229-240.

  • Khademi, N., Rajabi, M., Mohaymany, A. S., & Samadzad, M. (2016). Day-to-day travel time perception modeling using an adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 5(1), 25-52.

  • Rajabi-Bahaabadi, M., Shariat-Mohaymany, A., Babaei, M., & Ahn, C. W. (2015). Multi-objective path finding in stochastic time-dependent road networks using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(12), 5056-5064.

  • Khademi, N., Balaei, B., Shahri, M., Mirzaei, M., Sarrafi, B., Zahabiun, M., & Mohaymany, A. S. (2015). Transportation network vulnerability analysis for the case of a catastrophic earthquake. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 12, 234-254.

  • Shariat‐Mohaymany, A., Shahri, M., Mirbagheri, B., & Matkan, A. A. (2015). Exploring Spatial Non‐Stationarity and Varying Relationships between Crash Data and Related Factors Using Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression. Transactions in GIS, 19(2), 321-337.

  • Mohaymany, A. S., Kashani, A. T., & Shahri, M. (2015). Evaluation of overtaking manoeuvres on two-lane rural roads. In Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport (Vol. 168, No. 6, pp. 523-531). Thomas Telford Ltd.

  • Mahdi Amiripour, S. M., Mohaymany, A. S., & Ceder, A. (2014). Optimal modification of urban bus network routes using a genetic algorithm. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 141(3), 04014081.

  • Amiripour, S. M., Ceder, A. A., & Mohaymany, A. S. (2014). Designing large-scale bus network with seasonal variations of demand. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 48, 322-338.

  • Amiripour, S. M., Ceder, A., & Mohaymany, A. S. (2014). Hybrid method for bus network design with high seasonal demand variation. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 140(6), 04014015.

  • Babaei, M., Schmöcker, J. D., & Shariat-Mohaymany, A. (2014). The impact of irregular headways on seat availability. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 10(6), 483-501.

  • Mohaymany, A. S., & Babaei, M. (2013). Optimal resource allocation in urban transportation networks considering capacity reliability and connectivity reliability: a multi-objective approach. Int J Civ Eng, 11(1), 33-42.

  • Tahoorinia, M. M., Shariat Mohaymany, A., & Gholami, A. (2013). Designing a multimodal feeder network by covering stops with different modes. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 41(1), 87-96.

  • Khademi N, Shariat Mohaymany A, Shahi J, Rajabi M. (2013) Deriving Fuzzy Inequalities Using Discrete Approximation of Fuzzy Numbers. IJIEPR. 24 (3) :207-216

  • Matkan, A. A., Mohaymany, A. S., Shahri, M., & Mirbagheri, B. (2013). Detecting the spatial–temporal autocorrelation among crash frequencies in urban areas. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(3), 195-203.

  • Shariat-Mohaymany, A., Kashani, A. T., Nosrati, H., & Kazemzadehazad, S. (2013). Development of head-on conflict model for overtaking maneuvers on two-lane rural roads using inductive loop detectors. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 5(4), 273-284.

  • Mohaymany, A. S., Shahri, M., & Mirbagheri, B. (2013). GIS-based method for detecting high-crash-risk road segments using network kernel density estimation. Geo-spatial Information Science, 16(2), 113-119.

  • Shariat-Mohaymany, A., Babaei, M., Moadi, S., & Amiripour, S. M. (2012). Linear upper-bound unavailability set covering models for locating ambulances: Application to Tehran rural roads. European Journal of Operational Research, 221(1), 263-272.

  • Mohaymany, A. S., Ehteshamrad, S., & Babaei, M. (2012). A reliability-based resource allocation model for transportation networks affected by natural disasters. PROMET-Traffic & Transportation, 24(6), 505-513.

  • Mohaymany, A., Ehteshamrad, S., & Babaei, M. (2012). A Resource Allocation Model for Improving Transportation Networks Based on Reliability Measures. IERI Communications Letters, 1(1).

  • Rajabi Bahaabadi M, Shariat Mohaymany A, Babaei M. (2012) an efficient crossover operator for traveling salesman problem. International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering. 2 (4) :607-619

  • Kashani, A. T., Shariat-Mohaymany, A., & Ranjbari, A. (2012). Analysis of factors associated with traffic injury severity on rural roads in Iran. Journal of injury and violence research, 4(1), 36

  • Khademi, N., Mohaymany, A. S., Shahi, J., & Zerguini, S. (2012). An algorithm for the analytic network process (ANP) structure design. Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis, 19(1-2), 33-55.

  • Gholami, A., & Mohaymany, A. S. (2012). Analogy of fixed route shared taxi (taxi khattee) and bus services under various demand density and economical conditions. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 46(2), 177-187.

  • Tavakoli Kashani, A., Shariat-Mohaymany, A., & Ranjbari, A. (2011). A data mining approach to identify key factors of traffic injury severity. PROMET-Traffic &Transportation, 23(1), 11-17.

  • Shariat-Mohaymany, A., Tavakoli-Kashani, A., Nosrati, H., & Ranjbari, A. (2011). Identifying significant predictors of head-on conflicts on two-lane rural roads using inductive loop detectors data. Traffic injury prevention, 12(6), 636-641.

  • Ranjbari, A., Shariat Mohaymany, A., & Amiripour, S. M. (2011). Transit network design: The necessity of elastic demand consideration. In Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 97, pp. 1117-1122). Trans Tech Publications.

  • Ranjbari, A., Shariat Mohaymany, A., & Amiripour, S. M. (2011). Transit network design: The necessity of elastic demand consideration. In Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 97, pp. 1117-1122). Trans Tech Publications.

  • Moadi, S., Mohaymany, A. S., & Babaei, M. (2011). Application of imperialist competitive algorithm to the emergency medical services location problem. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications, 2(4), 137.

  • Gholami, A., & Mohaymany, A. S. (2011). Economic conditions for minibus usage in a multimodal feeder network. Transportation Planning and Technology, 34(8), 839-856.

  • Shariat, M. A., & Tavakoli, K. A. (2010). Analysis of two-lane, two-way rural roads traffic injury severity based on data mining models.

  • Khademi, N., Mohaymany, A., & Shahi, J. (2010). Intelligent Transportation System User Service Selection and Prioritization: Hybrid Model of Disjunctive Satisfying Method and Analytic Network Process. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2189), 45-55.

  • Mohaymany, A. S., Kashani, A. T., & Ranjbari, A. (2010). Identifying driver characteristics influencing overtaking crashes. Traffic injury prevention, 11(4), 411-416.

  • Mohaymany, A. S., & Gholami, A. (2010). Multimodal feeder network design problem: ant colony optimization approach. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 136(4), 323-331.

  • Shariat‐Mohaymany, A., & Babaei, M. (2010). An approximate reliability evaluation method for improving transportation network performance. Transport, 25(2), 193-202.

  • Shariat Mohaymany A, Amiripour S. (2009) Creating Bus Timetables Under Stochastic Demand. IJIEPR. 20 (3) :83-91

  • Golroo, A., Mohaymany, A. S., & Mesbah, M. (2009). Developing an optimised resource allocation framework in a transport network based on reliability. Road & Transport Research: A Journal of Australian and New Zealand Research and Practice, 18(3), 26.

  • Shariat Mohaymany A, Khodadadiyan M. (2008). A routing methodology for hazardous materials transportation to reduce the risk of road network. Ijiepr 19 (3) :57-65

Conference papers:

  • Rafati Fard,M., Shariat Mohaymany,A., Rahmani, S.,A Hybrid Neural Network Based Car-Following Model With Variable Reaction Delay(2019), Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting ,USA

  • Bagheri khalili, F., Antunes, A.P., & Mohaymay, A.S. (2019). Evaluating freight accessibility conditions through the combination of centrality and reliability measures: a study for Iran, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, USA

  • Fard, M.R., Mohaymany, A.S. & Rahmani, S., (2019). A hybrid neural network based car-following model with variable reaction delay, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, USA

  • Fard, M.R., & Mohaymany, A.S. (2018). An Estimated Distribution Algorithm for Calibrating Microscopic Traffic Models, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, USA

  • Shari, M., Mohaymany, A.S. & Rahmani, S., (2017). Spatio-temporal Analyses of Motorcycle Traffic Accidents Case Study: Mashhad, Iran, RSS2017 - road safety & simulation international conference, Netherland

  • Shari, M., Mohaymany, A.S. & Rahmani, S., (2017). Explanatory Spatial Analysis of Urban Traffic Crashes by Developing Semi-Parametric Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression, RSS2017 - road safety & simulation international conference, Netherland

  • Babaei, M., & Mohaymany, A. S. (2013). Greedy Genetic Algorithm for Improving Capacity Reliability in Large-Scale Networks Considering the Effect of Low-Frequency Events: Application to Expressway Network in Tehran, Iran. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, USA

  • Amiripour, S. M., Ceder, A. A., & Mohaymany, A. S. (2012). Bus-network design considering high seasonal demand variations. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, USA

  • Maktan, A., Mohaymany, A.S., Mirbagheri, B., Shahri, M., & Mirzaei, M., (2012). Detecting The Accident Hazardious Segments Along Arak-Khomein Rural Road Using Network Kernel Density Estimation, International Geomatics Conference and Exhibition on Mapping and Spatial Information, Iran

  • Maktan, A., Mohaymany, A.S., Mirbagheri, B., & Shahri, M., (2011). Explorative spatial analysis of traffic accidents using GWPR model for urban safety planning, 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, USA

  • Shariat Mohaymany ,A., Irannejad , Babaei M., (2010), Effects of Specification of Urban Network on Optimal Fuel Distribution, The 3rd International Conference on Transportation and Logistics, Japan

  • Shariat Mohaymany ,A., Irannejad , E., Mousavi ,S.H.,(2010),Effects of Passage Restrictions , for Heavy Vehicles, on Tour Trips, in Urban Networks ,the International Conference on Traffic and Logistic Engineering, Thailand

  • Shariat Mohaymany A., Babaei M., Amiripour M., (2008) Simulating Passenger Behaviour In Transit Assignment Using Fuzzy Logic , 10th International Conference on The Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, Greece

  • Shariat Mohaymany A., Khodadadiyan M., Khashaypoor M., (2008), Determination Of An Accessibility Index In LRT System: Case Study of Mashhad , 10th International Conference on The Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, Greece

  • Shariat Mohaymany A., Khodadadiyan M., Khashaypoor M., (2008) A Routing Model to Reduce the Risk of Hazmat Shipments in Road Network, 10th International Conference on The Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, Greece

  • Shariat Mohaymany A., Bargegol I., Bevrani K., (2008) Control And Surveillance Devices Location Modeling to Improve Safety ,10th International Conference on The Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, Greece

  • Shariat Mohaymany A., Khodadadiyan M., Khashaypoor M., (2008) A Routing Model to Reduce the Risk of Hazmat Shipments in Road Network, 10th International Conference on The Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, Greece

  • Shariat Mohaymany A., Babaei M., (2007)A New Technique for Evaluating the Performance Reliability of Transportation Networks , Third International Symposium on Transportation Network reliability, Netherlands

  • Shariat Mohaymany A., Pirnazar, N., (2007),Critical Routes Determination for Emergency Transportation Network aftermath Earthquake, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore

  • Shariat Mohaymany A., Khashaypoor M. ,Kalantari N., (2007),The Effect of Earthquakes on Urban Job Accessibility Index Case Study of Tehran Metropolitan Area, The 2nd International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Taiwan

  • Shariat Mohaymany A., Eghbalian A.,(2007)Studying The Impact of Using Motorcycle Leg Protectors on Reducing Accident Injuries, 20 th Enhanced safety of vehicles conference , France

  • Shariat Mohaymany A., Khodadadiyan M., Kalantari N.,(2007),Routing Hazardous Materials in Order to Minimize Risk in Urban Transportation Network , The 2nd International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Taiwan

  • Hosseini M., Shariat, A, Bahrami M., (2006)Selecting The Post-Earthquake Emergency Shelters In Large Cities Based On Their Accessibility, 8th Us National Conference On Earthquake Engineering, USA

  • Shariat Mohaymany , A., Kalantari N., Mesbah ,M. , Mohammadian ,(2006), Identifying Critical Infrastructures In A Road Network Based on Emergency Response Accessibility, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering ,Taiwan

  • Shariat Mohaymany, A. ,Mesbah, M.,(2006) ,A New Approach for Reliability Assessment of Urban Transportation Networks, 9th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation ,USA

  • Shariat Mohaymany, A., Mohammadian ,P., Kalantari ,N., (2006), Evaluation of transportation network reliability in incidents, Hamburg International Conference of Logistics , Germany

  • Shariat Mohaymany, A. ,Mesbah, M.,(2006) ,Modeling the behavior of waiting colony on the road side using adaptive neural fuzzy inference system, 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Japan

  • Shariat Mohaymany, A., Kalantari ,N., Mohammadian ,P., (2006), The Effect of Bridge and Highway System Improvements on The Network's Accessibility Reliability After a Major Earthquake, Fifth National Seismic Conference and Workshop on Bridges and Highways, USA

  • Mohaymany, A. S., & Golroo, (2005), A. Reliability Analysis of Urban Transportation Networks by Risk, International Conference on Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Italy

  • Mohaymany, A. S., Hosseini, M., & Golroo, A. (2004). Prioritizing the retrofit of vulnerable components of urban transportation system based on the optimized rescur and relief travels. In 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Vancouver, Canada.

  • Shariat Mohaymany A., Deghani N., Nobakhat S., Elahi M.,(2004) Evaluation of Benefit-Cost of Using Disaster Management In Road-Based Transportation Network, 2 nd International Symposium on Transport Network Reliability, New Zealand

  • Mohaymany, A. S., Hosseini, M., & Habibi, H. M. (2003). Obtaining the emergency transportation network for rescue and relief activities in large cities based on the life loss mitigation criteria. In Advancing Mitigation Technologies and Disaster Response for Lifeline Systems (pp. 231-240).

  • Khaki, A., Hosseini, M., Shariat, A. (2003) Evaluating the Efficiency of Urban Transportation Systems in the Aftermath of Earthquake in Large populated Cities, International Journal of Engineering Science, Iran University of Science and Technology

  • Behbahni, H., Mohaymany, A.S. (2002) Presentation of Emergency Route Guide System for Tehran, IT Solutions for Safety and Security in Intelligent Transportation Congress, France

  • Khaki, A., Hosseini, M., Shariat, A. (2000) Evaluating the Efficiency of Urban Transportation Systems in the Aftermath of Earthquake Based on Supply and Demand Concepts, Second Japan-Iran Workshop on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation, Kobe, Japan

  • Hosseini, M., Khaki. A., Shariat, A. (2002) Functionality Assessment of Urban Transportation Systems for Rescue and Relief Activities in the Aftermath of Earthquake in Large Populated Cities, 7th National Conferences in Earthquake Engineering, USA

Teaching Experience

  • Courses: Traffic Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Public Transit, Intelligent Transportation System, Transportation Software

  • Universities: Iran University of Science and Technology, Azad University, Zanjan University, Metro University

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