Dr. Mamaghanian, Jaber

 | Post date: 2022/06/8 | 

Jaber Mamaghanian


Position: Assistant Professor

Program Area: Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering

Phone: (+98-21) 73227118

Fax: (+98-21) 77240398

Email: mamaghani AT iust.ac.ir


School of Civil Engineering, Building No.2, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 16846-13114, Iran.

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Jaber Mamaghanian is currently an Assistant Professor of geotechnical engineering at IUST where he finished his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in 2012 and 2019 respectively. His research interests include physical modelling (centrifuge modelling, 1g tests and etc.), advanced numerical modelling with ABAQUS (along with writing Subroutine code), geosynthetic reinforced soil structures, offshore geotechnical engineering, unsaturated soil mechanics and climate change and pile foundations. He has also good experience in different industrial projects.


1- Postdoctoral, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran, 2021

Thesis : Numerical and Analytical Study on the Behaviour of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Walls with Marginal Backfill Under Seepage

2- PhD, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran, 2019

Thesis : Study on the Behavior of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Walls with Marginal Backfills Under Seepage Using Geotechnical Centrifuge

3- PhD Visiting Student, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), India, 2016

Project : Performance of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Walls with Marginal Backfills Under Seepage Using Large Beam Geotechnical Centrifuge

4- M.Sc., Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran, 2012

Thesis : Numerical Study on the Behavior of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Abutments Supporting Bridge

5- B.Sc., University of Tehran, Iran, 2009


1- Physical Modelling (Geotechnical Centrifuge Modelling, 1g tests and etc.)

2- Advanced Numerical Modelling (FEM with ABAQUS, Writing Subroutine Codes) and Programming

3- Offshore Geotechnical Engineering

4- Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Structures

5- Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Climate Change

6- Foundations on Piles

7- Soil Improvement

8- Soil-Structure Interaction


1- PhD Visiting Student Scholarship (2015-2016), Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), India

2- Postdoctoral Fellowship (2019-2021), School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran, Grant ID: 98024915


1- Research Associate (2020-2022), School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran

2- Member of a Scientific Committee, International Web Conference in Civil Engineering for a Sustainable Planet (ICCESP)- 5th and 6th March 2021, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, India


1- Award for Postdoctoral Fellowship from Iran National Science Foundation (INSF)

2- First Ranked PhD Student, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran

3- Award for Visiting PhD Student Scholarship from Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran

4- Award for Starting PhD without Entrance Exam, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran

5- First Ranked Master Student, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran


1- Viswanadham, B. V. S., Razeghi, H. R., Mamaghanian, J., & Manikumar, C. H. S. G. (2017). “Centrifuge Model Study on Geogrid Reinforced Soil Walls with Marginal Backfills with and without Chimney Sand Drain”, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 45(5), 430-446.

2- Mamaghanian, J., Viswanadham, B. V. S., Razeghi, H. R. (2019). “Centrifuge Model Studies on the Performance of Geocomposite Reinforced Soil Walls Subjected to Seepage”, Geosynthetics International, 26(4), pp. 371–387.

3- Razeghi, H. R., Viswanadham, B. V. S., Mamaghanian, J. (2019). “Centrifuge and Numerical Model Studies on the Behaviour of Geogrid Reinforced Soil Walls with Marginal Backfills with and without Geocomposite Layers”, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 47(5), 671-684.

4- Askari, M., Razeghi, H. R., Mamaghanian, J. (2021). “Effects of Lateral Restraint due to Bridge Deck on Dynamic Response of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Bridge Abutment”, Geotextiles and Geomembranes.

5- Ensani, A., Razeghi, H. R., Mamaghanian, J. (2021). “Application of Hyperbolic Model for Mechanical Behaviour of Marginal Soil-Geosynthetic Interface”, Geosynthetics International.

6- Ensani, A., Razeghi, H. R., Mamaghanian, J. (2022). “Effect of Reinforcement Type and Soil Moisture Content on Marginal Soil-Geosynthetic Interactions”, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering.

7- Saffari, A., Noorzad, A., Mamaghanian, J. (2022). “A finite element study on hydro-thermo-mechanical behaviour of bioreactor landfills”, Indian Geotechnical Journal.


1- Heshmati, A. A., Mamaghanian, J. (2011). “A comparison between static stability of slopes using centrifuge model tests and 2D finite element procedure”, 6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, University of Semnan. (in Persian)

2- Seyedi Gelsefidi, S. A. R., Mamaghanian, J. (2013). “Stabilization of a weak low plasticity clay soil using nanomaterial”, Proceedings of the 5th International Young Geotechnical Engineers' Conference: 5th. IYGEC 2013. Vol. 2. IOS Press.

3- Arabi, M., Razeghi, H. R., Mamaghanian, J. (2014). “Study on the different methods of strain gage installation on nonwoven geotextiles and their calibrations”, 8th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology. (in Persian)

4- Rasabakhsh, S., Aslani, R., Mamaghanian, J. (2014). “Increasing bearing capacity and stabilization of liquefied deposit using micropiles”, 8th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology. (in Persian)

5- Mamaghanian, J., Rasabakhsh, S., Keshavarz, A. (2014). “Soil stabilization and liquefaction remediation using grouting micropiles: A case study”, National Congress on Civil Engineering, Urbanism and Sustainable Development. (in Persian)

6- Rasabakhsh, S., Mamaghanian, J. (2014). “Soil stabilization and control of subgrade settlement under the foundations of Shanbadi mosque”, 1th National Congress on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. (in Persian)

7- Mamaghanian, J., Viswanadham, B. V. S., Razeghi, H. R. (2015). “Finite element simulation of geogrid reinforced soil wall with segmental block facing”, Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Symposium on Finite Element Method, IIT Bombay.

8- Mamaghanian, J., Razeghi, H. R., Viswanadham, B. V. S., & Manikumar, C. H. S. G. (2018). “Behavior of geogrid reinforced soil walls with marginal backfills with and without chimney drain in a geotechnical centrifuge”, In Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Volume 2 (pp. 1211-1216). CRC Press.

9- Askari, M., Mamaghanian, J., Razeghi, H. R., Rahmaninezhad, S.M. (2021). “Geosynthetic reinforced soil bridge abutments under base motion dynamic loading”, International Conference in Civil Engineering for a Sustainable Planet, Kollam, Kerala, India.

10- Rahmaninezhad, S.M., Han, J., Al-Naddaf, M., Mamaghanian, J. (2021). “Limit equilibrium analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced retaining wall-supported footings”, Geosynthetic Conference, Kansas City, MO USA.

ADVISOR (Master Students)

1- Master Thesis (2021) : School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran

Title : Analysis of Soil-Nailed Walls Behaviour Before and After Rainfall Considering Hydrological Climate Variations in North of Iran

Researcher : Yaghmaeian, P., Supervisor: Razeghi, H. R.

2- Master Thesis (2021) : School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran

Title : Analysis of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Slopes Behaviour Before and After Rainfall Considering Hydrological Climate Variations in North of Iran

Researcher : Asghari, A., Supervisor: Razeghi, H. R.


1- Geotextiles and Geomembranes Journal

2- Geosynthetics International Journal

3- International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics

4- Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Journal


1- International Geosynthetic Society, United States (2019-Present)

2- Iranian Geotechnical Society


1- Senior Geotechnical Consultant, Shilav Geotechnical Company

- Design of Piled-Raft Foundations and Mat Foundations for Tall Buildings

- Design of Micropile Systems

- Design of Pile Foundations in Liquefied Soils

- Design of Soil Improvement Systems (Stone Columns, Grouting, Deep Soil Mixing, …)

- Design of Nailing and Anchorage Wall Systems

- Design of Soldier Pile Wall Systems

- Design of Supporting System for Soil Slopes

- Analysis of Dynamic Response of Machine Foundations

2- Senior Geotechnical Consultant, Kiyan Madan Pars Company

- Preparing Geotechnical Investigation Reports

- Design of Foundations on Rock

3- Senior Geotechnical Consultant, Middle East Water and Environment consulting

- Reviewing Geotechnical Investigation Reports

- Design of Soil Improvement Systems (Stone Columns, Grouting, Deep Soil Mixing, …)


Industrial Project (2013): Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Funded by Iran National Railway Organization

Title: Instrumented and Monitored the Performance of a Geosynthetic Reinforced Retaining Wall Abutment Supporting Bridge and Roadway Structures, Iran

Researcher: Rahmaninezhad, M., Mamaghanian, J., Supervisor: Razeghi, H. R.

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