Dr. Siadatmousavi, Seyed Mostafa

 | Post date: 2015/01/20 | 

Seyed Mostafa Siadatmousavi



Associate Professor

Program Area:

Environmental and Water Resources Engineering


(+98-21) 73227179


(+98-21) 77240398


siadatmousavi AT iust.ac.ir

Address: Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 1684613114, Iran



Physical Oceanography and Coastal Sciences (2012), GPA: 4/4


Marine Structures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, (June 2006), GPA: 17.93/20 (Thesis: 20/20) 


Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, (July 2003), GPA: 16.7/20 


Math Sciences, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, (January 2004), GPA: 16.4/20.0

Link to Google Scholar

Link to ResearchGate

Research Interests

•    Nearshore Hydrodynamics
•    Data Analysis
•    Parallel Programming and Cluster Computing
•    Remote sensing for marine applications

Referred Journal Papers

•    M., Rahimian, S. M. Siadatmousavi, M. Saeedi., 2024. "The influence of Urmia Lake desiccation on an extreme snowfall event: A case study using the WRF-Lake model." Atmospheric Research 303: 107327.
•    S.M., Siadatmousavi, M. Y., Kalourazi, A., Kosh  Kholgh, 2024. Improving the WAVEWATCH-III wave model results using data assimilation in the Persian Gulf. Ocean Engineering, 300, 117460.
•    S. T. Hosseini , S. M. Siadatmousavi., E., Stanev, J., Pein, C., Schrum, C. 2024. Transitions Between Different Estuarine States in a Low-inflow Estuary of Arid Coasts (Mond Estuary, Persian Gulf) with a Focus on Freshwater Lenses. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 103525.
•    M. Mahdian., R. Noori, M. M. Salamattalab, E. Heggy, S. M. Bateni, A. Nohegar, M. Hosseinzadeh, S. M. Siadatmousavi, M. R. Fadaei, and S. Abolfathi. 2024. Anzali wetland crisis: Unraveling the decline of Iran's ecological gem. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129, no. 4 (2024): e2023JD039538.
•    N. Bahrami, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2023. Ship voyage optimisation considering environmental forces using the iterative Dijkstra's algorithm. Ships and Offshore Structures, 1-8.
•    Z. Mozafari, R. Noori, S.M. Siadatmousavi, H. Afzalimehr, J. Azizpour, 2023. Satellite‐Based Monitoring of Eutrophication in the Earth's Largest Transboundary Lake. GeoHealth, 7(5), e2022GH000770.
•    F. Kolahdouzan, H. Afzalimehr, S.M. Siadatmousavi, A. Jourabloo, S. Ahmad, 2023. The Effect of Pipeline Arrangement on Velocity Field and Scouring Process. Water, 15(7), 1321.
•    M. Mahdian, M. Hosseinzadeh, S.M. Siadatmousavi, Z. Chalipa, M. Delavar, M. Guo, S. Abolfathi, R. Noori, 2023. "Modelling impacts of climate change and anthropogenic activities on inflows and sediment loads of wetlands: case study of the Anzali wetland." Scientific Reports 13, no. 1:  5399.
•    M. Rahimian, M. Beyramzadeh, S.M. Siadatmousavi, M.N. Allahdadi, 2023. Simulating Meteorological and Water Wave Characteristics of Cyclone Shaheen. Atmosphere, 14(3), 533.
•    D,N. Khudhair, M. Hosseinzadeh, H. Zwain, S.M. Siadatmousavi, A. Majdi, A. Mojiri, 2023. Upgrading the MBBR Process to Reduce Excess Sludge Production in Activated Sludge System Treating Sewage. Water, 15(3), 408.
•    A, Naderi, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2023. Extreme value analysis for waves in the Persian Gulf: Skill assessment of different methods for a fetch-limited basin. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 102812.
•    S. M. Mahmoudof, S. M. Siadatmousavi, M.L. Takami, 2022. Numerical study of cross-shore variations of bound super-harmonics over a single sandbar system. Ocean Engineering, 266, 112695.
•    A. M. Faris, H. Zwain, M. Hosseinzadeh, H. S. Majdi, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2022. Start-up and operation of novel EN-MBBR system for sidestreams treatment and sensitivity analysis modeling using GPS-X simulation. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 61(12), 10805-10818.
•    M. Beyramzadeh, S. M. Siadatmousavi. 2022. Skill assessment of different quadruplet wave-wave interaction formulations in the WAVEWATCH-III model with application to the Gulf of Mexico. Applied Ocean Research 127 (2022): 103316.
•    D. Shariatmadari, S.M. Siadatmousavi, C. Ershadi. 2022. Numerical study of power production from tidal energy in the Khuran Channel and its feedback on background hydrodynamics. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 41(5), 173-182.
•    M. Rahimian, M. Beyramzadeh, S.M. Siadatmousavi. 2022. The Skill Assessment of Weather and Research Forecasting and WAVEWATCH-III Models During Recent Meteotsunami Event in the Persian Gulf.  Frontiers in Marine Science. Online at: https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.834151/full
•    A.M. Faris, H.M. Zwain, M. Hosseinzadeh, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2022. Modeling of novel processes for eliminating sidestreams impacts on full-scale sewage treatment plant using GPS-X7. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 1-17
•    A.M. Faris, H. M. Zwain, M. Hosseinzadeh, H. Sh. Majdi, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2022. "Start-up and operation of novel EN-MBBR system for sidestreams treatment and sensitivity analysis modeling using GPS-X simulation", Alexandria Engineering Journal, 61(12): 10805-10818
•    E. Shad, U.R. Kamalian, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2022, Coastal trapped waves in the southern Caspian Sea. Journal of Great Lakes Research. Online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2022.02.002
•    S.M. Mahmoudof, S.M. Siadatmousavi,  S.A. Seyedalipour, 2021. Experimental study of bound triad interactions across a dissipative surf zone under different wave breaking conditions. Journal of Ocean Engineering, 235, 109427.
•    A. Alipour, S.M. Siadatmousavi, F. Jose, 2021. Numerical simulation of waves in the Caspian Sea: calibration and verification of the observation-based source terms. Journal of Ocean Dynamics, 71 (6), 699-714.
•    M. Yaghoobi Kalourazi, S.M. Siadatmousavi, A. Yeganeh-Bakhtiary, F. Jose, 2021. WAVEWATCH-III source terms evaluation for optimizing hurricane wave modeling: A case study of Hurricane Ivan. Oceanologia. 63(2), 194-213.
•    M. Beyramzade, S.M. Siadatmousavi, M. H. Derkani, 2021. Calibration and skill assessment of two input and dissipation parameterizations in WAVEWATCH-III model forced with ERA5 winds with application to Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. Journal of Ocean Engineering, 219, 108448.
•    M. Seyedvalizadeh, H. Alizadeh Ketek Lahijani, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2021. South Caspian vertical circulation during rapid sea level rise and fall. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences 19 (1), 19-29
•     S.A. Seyedalipour, S.M. Siadatmousavi, S.M. Mahmoudof, 2020. Improving the Simulation of Depth-induced Breaking in the Third-Generation Wave Model SWAN. Journal of Marine Engineering 16 (31), 53-64
•    S. Shirinmanesh, M. Sadrinasab, A. Karimi, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2020. Determination of suspended load concentration in Hendijan Delta using remote sensing technique. Journal of Watershed Engineering and Management, 11 (4), 999-1015
•    S.M. Mahmoudof, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2020. Bound infragravity wave observations at the Nowshahr beaches, southern Caspian Sea. Journal of Applied Ocean Research, 98, 102122.
•    M. Yaghoobi Kalourazi, S.M. Siadatmousavi, A. Yeganeh-Bakhtiary, F. Jose, 2019. Simulating tropical storms in the Gulf of Mexico using analytical models. Oceanologia, 62 (2), 173-189.
•    D. Shariatmadari, S.M. Siadatmousavi, C. Ershadi, 2019. Enhanced predictions of tides in the Persian Gulf through data assimilation. Journal of Oceanography, 10 (40), 85-95. 
•    F. Komijani, V. Chegini,  S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2019. Seasonal variability of circulation and air-sea interaction in the Caspian Sea based on a high resolution circulation model, Journal of Great Lakes Research, 45 (6), 1113-1129
•    M. Beyramzade, S.M. Siadatmousavi, M. Nik Majidy, 2019. Skill assessment of SWAN model in the red sea using different wind data. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 30, 100714
•    M. R. Abbasi, V. Chegini,  M. Sadrinasab, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2019. Correcting the Sea Surface Temperature by Data Assimilation Over the Persian Gulf. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 43(1), 141-149.
•    M. N. Esfahani, M. R. A. Jannat, B. Banijamali, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2018, The impact of ERA-Interim winds on wave generation model performance in the Southern Caspian Sea region. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 131 (5), 1281-1299.
•    M. R. Abbasi, V. Chegini,  M. Sadrinasab, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2018, Improving the Persian Gulf sea surface temperature simulation by assimilating the satellite data via the ensemble Kalman. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1-10.
•    H. Noori, H. Karami, S. Farzin, S.M. Siadatmousavi, B. Mojaradi, O. Kisi, 2018, Investigation of RS and GIS techniques on MPSIAC model to estimate soil erosion, Journal of Natural Hazard, 91(1), pp 221-238
•    S. T. Hosseini, V. Chegini, M. Sadrinasab, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2018. Temperature, salinity and water-age variations in a tidal creek network, Bushehr Port, Iran. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 22(6), 1093-1106.
•    M. R. Abbasi, V. Chegini,  M. Sadrinasab, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2018. Optimization of the modeled surface temperature by assimilation of SST data over the Persian Gulf, NISCAIR-CSIR, 49(9), pp 1803-1808.
•    M. Khosravi, S.M. Siadatmousavi, R. Vennell, V. Chegini, 2018. The transverse dynamics of flow in a tidal channel within a greater strait, Journal of Ocean Dynamics, 68(2), 239-254
•    M. Beiramzade, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2018. Implementation of viscoelastic mud-induced energy attenuation in the third-generation wave model, SWAN, Journal of Ocean Dynamics, 68(1), pp 47-63.
•    A. Hamidi, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2018. Numerical simulation of scour and flow field for different arrangements of two piers using SSIIM model, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 9 (4), pp215-2426.
•    S.T. Hosseini, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2018. Field observations of hypersaline runoff through a shallow estuary, Journal of Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 202, pp 54-68
•    M.H. Kazeminezhad, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2017. Performance evaluation of WAVEWATCH III model in the Persian Gulf using different wind resources, Journal of Ocean Dynamics, 67(7), pp 839–855
•    S.T. Hosseini, V. Chegini, M. Sadrinasab, S.M. Siadatmousavi, S. Yari, 2016. Tidal asymmetry in a tidal creek with mixed mainly semidiurnal tide, Bushehr Port, Persian Gulf. Ocean Science Journal, 51(2), pp 195-208.
•    J. Azizpour, S.M. Siadatmousavi, V. Chegini, 2016. Measurement of tidal and residual currents in the Strait of Hormuz. Journal of Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 178, pp 101-109.
•    H. Noori, S.M. Siadatmousavi, B. Mojaradi, 2016. Assessment of sediment yield using RS and GIS at two sub-basins of Dez watershed, Iran, Journal of International Soil and Water Conservaton Research, 4 (3): 199–206.
•    S.M. Mahmoudof, P. Badiei, S.M. Siadatmousavi, V. Chegini, 2016. Observing and estimating of intensive triad interaction occurrence in very shallow water. Journal of Continental Shelf Research, 122, pp 68-76.
•    P. Akbari, M. Sadrinasab, V. Chegini, SM. Siadatmousavi, 2016, Tidal Constituents in the Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman and Arabian Sea: a Numerical Study, Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 45(8), pp 1006-1016.
•    J. Azizpour, V. Chegini, SM. Siadatmousavi, 2017, Seasonal Variation of the Double Diffusion Processes at the Strait of Hormuz, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 36 (1), pp 1-9.
•    Siadatmousavi, S.M., F. Jose, G. Miot da Silva, 2016, Sensitivity of a Third Generation Wave Model to Wind and Boundary Condition Sources and model physics: A Case Study from the South Atlantic Ocean off Brazil Coast, Journal of Computers & Geosciences, 90, pp 57-65.
•    Siadatmousavi, S.M., Jose, F., 2015, Winter Storm-Induced Hydrodynamics and Morphological Response of a Shallow Transgressive Shoal Complex: Northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 154, pp 58-68.
•    Siadatmousavi, S.M., Jose, F., Chen, Q., Roberts, R.R., 2013, Comparison between Optical and Acoustical Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentration: Field Study from a Muddy Coast. Journal of Ocean Engineering, 72, pp 11-24.
•    Siadatmousavi, S.M., Allahdadi, M.N., Chen, Q., Jose, F., Roberts, R.R., 2012, Simulation of Wave Damping during a Cold Front over the Muddy Atchafalaya Shelf , Journal of Continental Shelf Research, 47 (1), pp 165-177.
•    G. Miot da Silva, Siadatmousavi, S.M., F. Jose, 2012, Wave-driven sediment transport and beach/dune dynamics in a headland bay beach, Journal of Marine Geology, 323, pp 29-46.
•    Siadatmousavi, S.M., Jose, F., Stone, G.W., 2012. On the Importance of High Frequency Tail in Third Generation Wave Models. Journal of Coastal Engineering, 60 (1), pp 248-360.
•    Siadatmousavi, S.M., Jose, F., Stone, G.W., 2011. The Effects of Bed Friction on Wave Simulation: Implementation of an Unstructured Third-Generation Wave Model, SWAN, Journal of Coastal Research, 27 (1), pp 140-152.
•    Siadatmousavi, S.M., Jose, F., Stone, G.W., 2011. Evaluation of two WAM White Capping Parameterizations Using Parallel Unstructured SWAN with Application to the Northern Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A., Journal of Applied Ocean Research, 33 (1), pp 23-30.
•    M. Khosravi, S.M. Siadatmousavi, V. Chegini, R. Vennell, 2018. Across-channel distribution of the mean and tidal flows in the Khuran Channel, Persian Gulf, Iran. International Journal of Maritime Technology 10, 1-6
•    S. Memari, S.M. Siadatmousavi, 2018. Numerical Modeling of Heat and Brine Discharge Near Qeshm Desalination Plant. International Journal of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, 1(4), 27-35.
•    S.M. Mahmoudof, P. Badiei, S.M. Siadatmousavi, V. Chegini, 2018. Spectral Wave Modeling in Very Shallow Water at Southern Coast of Caspian Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 17(1), pp.140-151.
•    M. Hajiarab Derkani, S.M. Siadatmousavi, S.M. Mahmoudof, 2017. Sandbar  Migration  Due  to  Cross-Shore  Sediment  Transport; A  Case Study of Noshahr Coasts, Iran, International Journal of Maritime Technology. Vol 7, pp 29-37. 
•    M.R., Abbasi, V., Chegini, M., Sadrinasab,  S.M., Siadatmousavi, 2017. Capabilities of data assimilation in correcting sea surface temperature in the Persian Gulf, Pollution, 3(2): 273-283.
•    S.T. Hosseini, V. Chegini, M. Sadrinasab, S.M. Siadatmousavi, S. Yari, 2016. Residence Times in a Hypersaline Creek: Using Salinity as a Tracer, International Journal of Maritime Technology, 6 (summer): 11-18.
•    M. Rahnama, S.M. Siadatmousavi, S.A. Chavoshian, 2016. Optimal high frequency cut-off in SWAN wave model, Journal of Persian Gulf, 6 (20): 51-64.
•    Badiei, P., Siadatmousavi, S.M., 2010. The Third Generation Spectral Wave Model, WAVEWATACH-III, Enhanced for Use in Nearshore Regions, Journal of Iranian Civil and Surveying Engineering, 44 (2):289-302.

Referred Conference Papers

•    Siadatmousavi, S.M., Jose, F., Stone, G.W., 2009. Simulating Hurricane Gustav and Ike Wave Fields along the Louisiana Innershelf: Implementation of an Unstructured Third-generation Wave Model, SWAN, October 2009, Biloxi, MS.
•    Stone, G.W., Jose, F., Luo, Y., Siadatmousavi, S.M., Holland, T., 2009. A WAVCIS-based Ocean Observing Station to Provide Hydrodynamic Data off Eglin Air Force Base, Fort Walton, Florida, USA, October 2009, Biloxi, MS.
•    Jose, F., Stone, G.W., Kobashi, D., Siadatmousavi, S.M. and Liu, B., 2009. Hydrodynamic Response of a Transgressive Shoal to the Proposed Mining for Restoring Adjacent Beaches and Barrier Islands: Sabine Bank, off Louisiana-Texas Coast, United States, eProceedings, Coastal Dynamics 2009, September 2009, Tokyo, Japan, World Scientific.
•    Siadatmousavi, S.M., Badiei, P., 2006. Verification of WAVEWATCH-III, SWAN and MIKE21-SW and Parametric Models in Caspian Sea, International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, October 2006, Tehran, Iran. (in Farsi)
•    Siadatmousavi, S.M., Badiei, P., 2006. Comparison of the Results of Mathematical Wind-generated Wave Models, SWAN and MIKE21-SW at Chabahar Bay, 7th International Conference of Civil Engineering, Tarbiat Modatres University, May 2006, Tehran, Iran. (in Farsi)
•    Siadatmousavi, S.M., Badiei, P., 2005. Comparison of the Results of WAVEWATCH-III Wave Prediction Mathematical Model with Parametric Model at Deep Waters, 5th Hydraulic Conference of Iran, Shahid Bahonar University, October 2005, Kerman, Iran. (in Farsi)
•    Khosravi, Siadatmousavi, Chegini, Vennell, 2017. Observation of across-channel flow in the Khuran Channel, Persian Gulf, Iran. First International Conference on Oceanography for West Asia, 30-31 Oct 2017, Tehran, Iran
•    Beiramzadeh, Siadatmousavi, 2016. Implementation of viscoelastic mud-induced wave dissipation in SWAN. International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, 31 Oct. - 2 Nov 2016, Tehran, Iran.
•    Moazzami, Siadatmousavi, 2016. Optimization of the weight matrix in data assimilation for wave data in Persian Gulf using WAVEWATCH-III model. International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, 31 Oct. - 2 Nov 2016, Tehran, Iran.
•    Hajiarabderkani, Siadatmousavi, Mahmoudov, 2016. Numerical modelling of wave-driven currents in shallow water; a case study from Noshahr coasts. International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, 31 Oct. - 2 Nov 2016, Tehran, Iran.
•    Hamze-Ziabari, Yeganeh-Bakhtiary, Siadatmousavi, 2016. Analytical solution for groundwater head in unconfined coastal aquifer using variational iteration method. International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, 31 Oct. - 2 Nov 2016, Tehran, Iran.
•    Hamze-Ziabari, Yeganeh-Bakhtiary, Siadatmousavi, 2016. Analytical solution for groundwater head in unconfined coastal aquifer using variational iteration method. International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, 31 Oct. - 2 Nov 2016, Tehran, Iran.
•    Arefi, Siadatmousavi, Hajmomeni, Khalili, KouroshNia, 2016. Coastal erosion potential at Hormozgan province through satellite image analysis. International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, 31 Oct. - 2 Nov 2016, Tehran, Iran.
•    Raghebi, Allahyar, Sadeghian, Siadatmousavi, Haghighat, 2016. Hormozgan province beach and shoreface morphodynamic classification. International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, 31 Oct. - 2 Nov 2016, Tehran, Iran.


•    Siadatmousavi, S.M., Jose, F., Stone, G.W., 2010. Evaluation of Two Parameterizations of WAM in the Gulf of Mexico Using Parallel Unstructured SWAN with Implications for Coastal Louisiana, State of the coast, June 8-10, Baton Rouge, LA.
•    Stone G.W., Luo, Y., Gibson, W.J., Chen, Y., Siadatmousavi, S.M., Liu, B., Spaziani, A.L., Allahdadi, M.N., Jose, F., 2010. WAVCIS: an Ocean Observing Network for Supporting Coastal Restoration Efforts of Louisiana, USA, State of the coast, June 8-10, Baton Rouge, LA.

Honors & Awards

•    Dissertation Year Award (Fall 2011)
•    Second rank among M.Sc. student of Marine Structures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, (June 2006)
•    Top ranked B.Sc. student of Civil Engineering among 90 Students, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, (July 2003)
•    Certificate of Web base Collaboration (http://www.hydro-web.org), (Summer 2003)
•    Ranked 16th among 350,000 participants in the National University Entrance Examination for B.Sc. degree, (July 1999)

Referred Technical Reports


•    Stone, G.W., Kobashi, D., Jose, F., Liu, B., Siadatmousavi, S.M., Spaziani, A., 2010, Wave Bottom Interactions and Bottom Boundary Layer Dynamics in Evaluating Sand Mining at Sabine Bank for Coastal Restoration; Southwest Louisiana. Scientific report submitted to BOEMRE (formerly MMS), 147 pages.
•    Stone, G.W., Jose,  F., Luo, Y., Siadatmousavi, S.M., Gibson, J.W., 2009, A WAVCIS-based Ocean Observing Station off Eglin Air Force Base, Fort Walton, Florida. Scientific report submitted to Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS. 46 pages.
•    Stone, G.W., Condrey R.E., Fleeger, J.W., Khalil, S.M., Kobashi D., Jose, F., Evers, E., Dubois, S., Liu, B., Arndt, S. Gelpi, C., Grippo, M., Luo, Y., Siadatmousavi, S.M., Chen, Y., Alavillamo, M., and Reynal, F., 2009. Environmental Investigation of the Long-term Use of Ship Shoal Sand Resources for Large Scale Beach and Coastal Restoration in Louisiana. Scientific report submitted to BOEMRE, LA, 278 pages.

Computer Skills
  • C++, Delphi (and Pascal), Fortran


  • Parallel Processing: OpenMP and MPI

  • Bash Scripting

Other Activities
  • Teaching the Workshop on Finite Volume Circulation Ocean Model (FVCOM), October 2014. Iranian National Institute foe Oceanography and Atmospheric Science.

  • Reviewed papers for Journal of Coastal Research and Journal of Continental Shelf Research

  • Presented part of WAVCIS activities at the Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference 2009: WAVCIS Ocean Observing and Forecasts of Met-Ocean Conditions, Mobile Bay, AL. (May 2009)

  • Participated at Parallel Programming & Cluster Computing workshop 2009, 5-11 July, Baton Rouge, LA.

  • Edited a book: Continued fraction: from course notes of Professor Mohsen Hashtroudi , 2007, Isfahan Math House Publications, 70 pages. (In Farsi)

  • Managed a project from Isfahan Science & Technology Town: How to Use Cabri, a Dynamic Geometry Software, to Assist High School Students . (September 2006)

  • Participated at DAAD Summer School, Using IT in Civil Engineering, Germany. (Summer 2003)

  • I was one of the two programmers of RoboCup team of Isfahan University of Technology in small size class, Fukuoka. (June 2002)

  • I remain grader and translator of the mathematic contest, Tournaments of Towns, organized by Isfahan Mathhouse. (problems are designed by a committee in Russia) (Since 2002)

  • I remain grader and translator of the mathematic contest, Mathematics A-Lympiad, organized by Isfahan Mathhouse. (problems are designed by Freudenthal Institute in Netherland) (Since 2006)

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