Dr. Massah, Saeed Reza

Saeed Reza Massah
Ph.D., S.E., P.E.



Assistant Professor

Program Area:

Structural Engineering


(+98-21) 73227193


(+98-21) 77240398


massah AT iust.ac.ir

Address: Department of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 16846-13114, Iran



Civil Engineering (Structures), Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, March 2008.

Ph.D. Student

Civil Engineering (Structures), Mississippi State University, Starksville, Mississippi, U.S.A., (Up to January 1991; finishing the course works, continuation of studies in Iran).


Civil Engineering, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, U.S.A., August 1990.


Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, Texas, U.S.A., May, 1987.

High School Diploma

Weatherford High School, Weatherford, Texas, U.S.A., May, 1980.


- Structural Dynamics, Modal Analysis of Special Structures;

- Tall Buildings, Design Concepts and Philosophies;

- Reliability Analysis of Structures;

- Structural Acoustics, Transmission and Reflection of Acoustic Waves In Structures;

- Application of New Smart Metal Alloys in Structures as Damping Hybrid Devices;

- Seismic Behavior of Special Structures;

- Linear and Nonlinear Finite Element Methods of Analysis;

- Seismic, Static and Dynamic, Analysis of Structures;

- Analysis and Design of Large Steel and Concrete Building Structures.


University Courses Taught

Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

Graduate Courses (Ph.D. & M.Sc.): Academic Year 2011 to Present.

Structural Dynamics;

Tall Buildings;

Structural Acoustics;

Reliability of Structures;

Advanced Design of Steel Structures.

Undergraduate Courses: Academic Year 2011 to Present.


Mechanics of Materials I;

Earthquake Engineering;

Design of Steel Structures.

Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran

Graduate Courses: Academic Years 2009-2011.

Advanced Design of Steel Structures.

Undergraduate Courses: Academic Years 2009-2011.

Mechanics of Materials I;

Design of Steel Structures I;

Design of Steel Structures II;

Steel Structures Project;

Design of Concrete Structures;

Earthquake Resistant Masonry Structures;

Systems of Structural Loadings.

University of Mississippi, Mississippi, USA

Undergraduate Course: Academic Year 1989-1990.

CE 330- Strength of Materials Laboratory.


- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Acoustical Society of Iran;

- Technical Review of more than 30 Articles for 10 Accredited Scientific Journals (ISI & ISC Indexed).


- Saeed R. Massah, Mohsen Hajihassani, Abbas E. Haghighat, Investigating the interactions of acoustic waves with underground structures via the boundary element method, Applied Acoustics, V.177 , June 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.apacout.2021.107926. 

- S.R. Massah, H. Ahmadi, “Weight Optimization of Truss Structures by the Biogeography-Based Optimization Algorithms”, Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal, 54 (1): 129-144, 2021. DOI: 10.22059/ceij.2021.291862.1625.

- K. Nasserasadi, S.R. Massah, H. Mohammadloo, A.H. Ghaderi, “Seismic evaluation of contemporary steel MRF with design and construction defects”, Bulletin of Earthquake Science and Engineering, 5 (1), 2018. (ISC, in Persian)

- S.R. Massah, H. Ahmadi, “Regularizing structural configurations by using meta-heuristic algorithm”, Geomechanics and Engineering, 12 (2), February, 2017. 

- S.R. Massah, H. Salehzadeh, A. Mohammadi, G. Dehghani, “Investigating the behavior of reinforced concrete underground structures employing ultra-high strength concrete under the effects of surface blasts”, Advanced Defence Sci. & Tech., 8 (2), 2017. (ISC, in Persian)

- S.R. Massah, M.M. Torabipour, “Effects of acoustic waves on buried tunnel structures under an impact load”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 16 (10), March, 2016.

- M. Ghassemieh, A.A. Gholampour, S.R. Massah, “Application of weight functions in nonlinear analysis of structural dynamics problems”, International Journal of Computational Methods, 13 (1), 2016.

- S.R. Massah, H. Zohrehvand, A. Ghadami, “Investigating the acoustical and vibrational response of stiffened steel plate opening wall in a reinforced concrete room subject to blast”, Journal of Acoustical Engineering Society of Iran, 3 (2), 2016. (ISC, in Persian)

- S.R. Massah, M. Zamani, “Investigating the behavior of steel wind turbine towers subject to seismic loads”, European Wind Energy Association Annual Conference and Exhibition 2015, EWEA 2015 - Scientific Proceedings.

- S.R. Massah, “Investigating the acoustical and vibrational response of a reinforced concrete safe room under air blast effects”, Journal of Acoustical Engineering Society of Iran, 2 (2), 2015. (ISC, in Persian)

- S.R. Massah, M.M. Torabipour, “Numerical simulation of the response of underground structures to shock waves”, Advanced Defence Sci. & Tech., 6 (3), 2015. (ISC, in Persian)

- S.R. Massah, H. Dorvar, “Design and analysis of eccentrically braced steel frames with vertical links using shape memory alloys”, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 23 (11), October, 2014. (I.F. = 2.769, H-Index = 108).

- G.G. Amiri, S.R. Massah, A. Boostan, "Seismic response of 4-legged self-supporting telecommunication towers, International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications, 20 (2): 107-126, August 2007.

- G.G. Amiri, M. A. Barkhordari, S.R. Massah, M. Vafaei, “Earthquake amplification factors for self-supporting 4-legged telecommunication towers”, World Applied Sciences Journal, 2 (6): 635-643, 2007.

- M. Shayanfar, S.R. Massah, H. Rahami, "An Inverse reliability method using neural networks and genetic algorithms", World Applied Sciences Journal, 2 (6): 594-601, November, 2007.


- S.R. Massah, A. Ghadami, “Effect of cross-frame spacing on the modal properties of curved bridges”. Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE7), Tehran, Iran, May 18-21, 2015.

- S.R. Massah, M. A. Barkhordari, G.G. Amiri, “Base shear amplification factors for self-supporting 4-legged telecommunication towers under seismic excitations”. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE5), Tehran, Iran, May 13-15, 2007.

- G.G. Amiri, M. Raeisi, S.R. Massah, F. K. Moghaddam, “Evaluation of design of cold formed steel buildings with bearing wall under Iranian seismic code provisions. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Steel, Space & Composite Structures, K. Lumpur, Malaysia, May 15-17, 2006.

- G.G. Amiri, M. A. Barkhordari, S.R. Massah, "Seismic behavior of 4-legged self-supporting telecommunication towers", Proceedings of the 13 th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (13 WCEE), Vancouver, Canada, August 1-6, 2004.


- Extensive Studying and Research on the Effects of Temperature, Shrinkage, Cracking, Creep and Imperfection on the Hyperbolic-Parabolic Thin Concrete Shell Structures;

- Technical Report on the "Flexural Ductility Of Ultra-High-Strength Concrete Members", Using the program HODA, based on the Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis;

- Technical Report on the "Ductile Design of Structures", in conjunction with a Seminar Presented for the Graduate Students at the IUST.


- The graduate courses taken are as follows:

Random Vibration of Structures;

Analysis & Design of Space Structures;

Optimal Structural Analysis;

Plastic Design of Building Frames;

Optimization of Structural Systems;

Reliability Analysis of Structures;

Nonlinear Finite Element Methods of Analysis;

Earthquake Engineering;

Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures;

Theory of Plates and Shells;

Continuum Mechanics;

Advanced Structural Analysis;

Advanced Finite Element Analysis;

Advanced Concrete Design;

Advanced Steel Design;

Advanced Engineering Mathematics;

Advanced Foundation Engineering;

Structural Dynamics;

Prestressed Concrete Design;

Introduction to Finite Elements I;

Introduction to Finite Elements II;

Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis.


- Some of the short courses taken out of interest and as extracurricular are listed below:

Hydroacoustics (51 hrs. of lecture), conducted by Sharif Univ. & Acoustical Engr. Soc. Of Iran;

Technical Hydroacoustics, (Regional-Persian Gulf) (51 hrs. of lecture), conducted by Sharif Univ. & Acoustical Engr. Soc. Of Iran;

Strengthening and Retrofitting of Existing Structures against Earthquakes;

Numerical Simulation of Explosions;

Seismology and Earthquake Engineering;

Construction of Concrete Structures;

Structural Welding;

Concrete Technology;

Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Structures.


Faculty of Civil Engineering

Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

January 2011 - present

- Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran

January 2009 - 2011

- Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering

Engineering Consultant

Iran Power Development Company (IPDC)

Vali Asr Sq., Vali Asr St., Shahamati Ave., Tehran, Iran

August 2004 - 2013

- Consulting - Supervising engineer on the construction of combined-cycle and gas power plants.

Engineering Consultant

Yas Co.

Hafez St. Tehran, Iran

December 2000 - November 2001

- Head consulting engineer on the preliminary and final design of a large industrial plant at the port city of Khorramshahr.

Vice President in Technical Affairs & Head of Structures Division

Bonyad Sazeh Consulting Engineers

Farmanieh, Tehran, Iran

November 1994 to March 2001

Some of the projects worked on as a structural engineer are as follows:

- Analysis & design of 14-story residential steel structures in the Dar-Abad region of Northern Tehran. The project included 15 buildings with the total covered area of 168,000 m2.

- Analysis & design of 5-story residential concrete buildings in the city of Namak-E-Abrood in the Mazandaran Province. The design included 44 buildings with the total area of 68,000 m2.

- Analysis & design of a major housing complex with 1,000 apartment units in the city of Islamshahr, located in Tehran metropolitan. The project included 79 four-story steel buildings with a total covered area of 55,600 m2.

- Analysis & design of 5-story residential steel apartment complexes in the new town of Kyanmehr, Karaj. The design included 10 buildings with the total covered area of 12,100 m2.

- Member of the team of structural engineers working on the analysis & design of four large 40 40 m Hyperbolic-Parabolic thin concrete shell structures in Southern Tehran. The structure known as Haram has a total covered area of 6,400 m 2.

- Analysis & design of four major Refah chain stores, two in the Be'sat and Islamshahr regions of Southern Tehran, and one each in the cities of Shiraz and Yasooj with the total covered areas of 3950 m2, 3100 m2, 3150 m2, and 2200 m2, respectively.

- Analysis & design of multi-story steel parking structures in the Dar-Abad region of Northern Tehran. The project included several parking structures with the total area of 13,500 m2.

- Analysis & design of a major housing complex for the Janbazan Foundation with over 1200 apartment units at the new town of Pardis in the Northeastern of Tehran metropolitan. The project included 3 & 4-story steel skeleton structures with the total area of 112,000 m2.

- Analysis & design of 300 apartment units for the Janbazan Foundation at the city of Kyanmehr, Karaj. The project comprised of 2 & 3-story steel structures with the total area of 35,000 m2.

- Analysis & design of 600 apartment units for Janbazan Foundation as 2-story dual systems (reinforced masonry + steel/concrete frames) in the city of Ahvaz in Khozestan Province. The project had the total covered area of 70,000 m2.

- Analysis & design of 400 apartment units for Janbazan Foundation as 2-story dual systems in the city of Qom. The project included the total area of 44,000 m2.

- Analysis & design of 300 apartment units for Janbazan Foundation as 2-story dual systems in the city of Qazvin. The project included the total area of 32,000 m2.

- Analysis & design of 150 apartment units for Janbazan Foundation as 1 & 2-story dual systems in the city of Khorram-Abad. The project included the total area of 15,000 m2.

- Analysis & design of 123 apartment units for Janbazan Foundation as 1 & 2-story dual systems in the city of Saveh. The project included the total area of 13,000 m2.

- Analysis & design of 114 apartment units for Janbazan Foundation as 1 & 2-story dual systems in the city of Boroojerd. The project included the total area of 13,400 m2.

- Crosschecking of 13-story steel skeleton structure with MRF system known as Nasr-10 for the Ministry of Education located in northwestern Tehran with the total area of 9300 m2.

- Crosschecking of 11-story residential steel skeleton structure with dual system located in Farmanieh region of Northern Tehran with the total area of 11,500 m2.

- Crosschecking of 2-story Mosque with steel skeleton structure in the city of Kyanmehr, Karaj. The project included a total covered area of 1,850 m 2.

- Crosschecking of 5-story steel skeleton structure for the Janbazan Foundation in the city of Rasht. The project of 400-unit apartment complexes had a total area of 50,000 m2.

- Crosschecking of 4-story steel structures, type-L4, in the city of Babolsar. The type-L4 has a total covered area of 1,830 m2.

Director of Foreign Construction Projects in Pakistan

Construction & Civil Activities Co., Tehran, Iran

February 1994 - October 1994

- Participation in a number of international tenders related to major construction projects in Pakistan, such as:

Ghazi Brotha Hydropower dam, Bridges on the Indus River, Reconstruction of Karachi Port Terminal, National Highway N-25, Lakpass Tunnel, etc.

Head of Structures & Construction Division

Army Corps

Lavizan, Tehran, Iran

November 1991 - January 1994

- Analysis, design & construction of large industrial complex. The project included 7 steel skeleton dual system structures to be used for heavy structural purposes, with the total covered area of 15,000 m 2.

Private Consulting Engineer

As a structural engineer, the following projects have been worked on:

- Crosschecking the dynamic analysis of a ten-story steel skeleton dual system structure for the Iranian Construction Engineers Organization on the behalf of the Imam Ali Cultural Center in the city of Tehran. The structural system included the combination of concrete perimeter shear wall and MRF system for the first five stories and the Special MRF system for the second five stories. The project had a total covered area of 4500 m 2.

- Analysis & design of a six-story steel skeleton residential building in Niavaran district of Northern Tehran. The project included a total covered area of 1200 m2.

- Analysis & design of a five-story-steel skeleton residential building in Eastern Tehran at Shemiran-e-noe. The project included a total covered area of 1000 m2.

- Analysis & design of two five-story-steel and concrete skeleton residential buildings in Central Tehran. The projects included a total covered area of 2000 m2.


- Well versed with the latest versions of SAP2000, ETABS, SAFE, ANSYS, GAMBIT, FLUENT, MATLAB, MICROSOFT WORD, EXCEL.

- Worked extensively with softwares such as SAP90+ V 5.41, ETABS +, STRESS2, QUATTRO PRO, MSC MOD PAL2, BASIC, etc.


- Member of the Acoustical Engineering Society of Iran;

- Member of the Iranian Construction Engineers Organization.


- Fluent in Spoken and Written English.

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